Thursday 7 July 2022

The Ainu culture

Hi everyone!! We are Happy Puppies!!
Today, we are introducing the Ainu people.
We went to Hokkaido Museum to learn about the Ainu.

The Ainu people are indigenous peoples around the northern part of Japan, especially Hokkaido, and have a different language, culture, and history from the Wajin, who are the majority of Japan. The ethnic name “Ainu” is an Ainu word that means “human”.

The Ainu have a lot of interesting history, but I can’t cover all of it here. So, we will introduce the Ainu culture.

1. Prayer
In the Ainu faith, it is believed that everything in the world has a “soul”. Among them, things that give humans the blessings of nature such as animals and plants, things that are indispensable for living such as fire and water, things that human power does not reach such as weather and infectious diseases are called <kamui>. Kamui is, in other words, the same as God. So, the Ainu respect these things.

2. Clothing
In the olden days, cloth woven from fibers taken from the bark of trees and grass, as well as animal skin and fish skin were used as materials for clothing. Currently, they don't wear these clothes in their daily life. However, more and more people wear traditional clothing when performing ceremonies and performing songs and dances at events.

Boots Made from Salmon Skin

3. Songs / Dances / Musical Instruments
Musical instruments have been handed down in each region and home through ceremonial occasions and daily living. In recent years, local groups have been actively engaged in activities to learn and convey traditional songs and dances.

The video of the song is attached below. You can hear the Ainu language.

4. Others


Trade goods

You can learn a lot about the history of the Ainu, which couldn’t be introduced here at Hokkaido Museum. Besides Ainu, you can learn various things about Hokkaido. If you are interested, please visit there!!

As soon as you enter the museum, a huge mammoth will welcome you…

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