Monday 25 July 2022


 Team-NACS’s members


The members are Hiroyuki Morisaki, Yo Oizumi, Ken Yasuda, Shigeyuki Totsugi, and Takuma Otoo.


They are graduates of Hokkaigakuen University. They belonged to the Theatre Study Group at their university. They were born in Hokkaido. They assembled in 1996.


The leader is Hiroyuki Morisaki. The second leaders are Shigeyuki Totsugi and Ken Yasuda. Takuma Otoo is the youngest in the Team-NACS. Hiroyuki Morishige is the oldest.


When Ken Yasuda and Hiroyuki Morisaki graduated from their university, they dissolved. And then, Hiroyuki Morisaki was hired by some company in Tokyo.


However he missed the Team-NACS. So he retired the job and came back to Sapporo to reassemble the Team-NACS in 1997.


Their statement is “Our body is old, but our brain is young.” And now there is.

Team Nax’s popular songs and programs

Team Nax’s popular songs

l  Suspicion

l  Nobunaga’s Anguish

l  Ameo

l  Battle of Kanegasaki

l  Thief monkey     

programs starring Team Nax

l  Hanatarenax

This is a program that starts at 12:15 a.m. every Thursday. The first popular program with all five people started on January 31, 2003. The title comes from various meanings such as “A talent with flowers”.

l  Onigiri Atatamemasuka

This stars Shigeyuki Totsugi and Oizumi. The broadcast started on March 26, 2003. When the broadcast started, it was about deciding Lawson’s s special edition products in Hokkaido through trial and error from the requests of viewers. Until June 2021, TEAM NACS has done various activities not only in Hokkaido but also all over Japan and overseas.


Do you know TEAM NACS? I’m sure that almost all people who live in Hokkaido know them. All members in this group are from Hokkaido and graduated from Hokkaigakuen university, so this group is familiar to people in Hokkaido.

Why has TEAM NACS become so popular?

At first they were just local performers but each member appeared in local programs and music programs, so gradually they became famous. Now I think they will become more popular so you should go their concert soon.

Friday 22 July 2022

Ekorinn mura


Hi, everyone!! I will talk about Ekorinn mura.

Ekorinn mura is a large ecology themed garden. Maybe, you will think, “What is Ekorinn?”. In Japanese, “Eko” indicates “ecology”(eco) and “Rinn”( 輪 ) indicates “connection”.

Therefore, the origin of name is the purpose of making a good care of a connection with the environment and achieving eco. When you visit there, you can be relaxed because there is incredible scenery and with lushgreen nature. There are galaxy “Ginga” gardens, which were designed by “Bunny Guinness” who is a famous garden designer. The garden is 100,000 hectares and there are a lot of gardens or areas with various themes. The garden has four seasonal scenery, so you can see various views for one year.

In spring, the garden has a” golden flower week” when there are a lot of narcissus are spread .

In summer, “Blue flower week” when flowers such as geranium or St.Aurea hit their peak.

In autumn, “dahlia week”, has 80 varieties of dahlias. You can see great views(nature or +flowers) in Ekorinn mura for all year.

There are various events at Ekorin mura.

You can enjoy farming experiences, hunting insects, delicious meals, and much more.

Here are two of them.

The first is the Rose Festival.

In the Ginga Garden in Ekorin mura, there are about 700 varieties and 5,000 roses in bloom.

There, you can enjoy looking at and even eating roses.

Surprisingly, about 4,500 of the 5,000 roses in the Galaxy Garden are edible roses.

Roses are in season in spring and fall, so I recommend you go there during that season.

It's so beautiful, you will miss out if you don’t go!

The second is the Kitchen car Marché.

There, you can eat a wide variety of foods.

For example, there are many interesting foods, such as fried bread made with sugar and 

coconut oil, and sushi parfait, which decorated sushi!

That’s all for my topic.

Thank you for your reading.

Recommended cafe Vol.4

 Hello everyone! We’d like you to know there are many great cafes in Hokkaido. So, we have picked some and we’ll introduce them to you. We hope that you find a place to relax!

Café Unjour

Have you heard of a café where you can play musical instruments? In this café, Café unjour, you can enjoy playing the guitar and the cajon with delicious dishes!
Café unjour is a small café which has only 4 seats in Ishikari. It takes a little time for the food to be served because the female owner runs it herself, but you will not mind because you can play the guitar and the cajon while you wait.

And there is a product I really want you to try. That is a castella pancake! It is so fluffy and has a big piece of butter on top. The combination of butter and maple syrup goes well without saying.

Would you like to try it?


Additionally, there is a small live stage, and musical concerts are held there every Tuesday morning. If you want to perform in front of an audience, I recommend you join it. I hope you can have a good time.


World Book Cafe

I’ll introduce World Book Cafe. This café is located on the 5th floor of the Osawa Building, Minami 1-jo West 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido. This café is a place where a bookstore and a café are located. There are about 3,000 books on travel and the world in it. Some books can be borrowed, like a library. From 12: 00-16: 00, there is a lunch set and a dessert menu, and there are drinks such as coffee, so you can spend the whole day relaxing at the World Book Cafe.

 One of the most popular menus at World Book Cafe is Baked Cheesecake.

It is a dessert that uses 100% luxurious Hokkaido fresh cream, and it is characterized by using vanilla beans to add accent. The flavor changes depending on the month, so no matter how many times you eat it, you will not get bored.

If you have time, why don’t you go to World Book Cafe?

More imformation

Thank you for reading!

Thursday 21 July 2022

Hokkaido Ballpark

Hi everyone!! We are Happy Puppies!!
Today, we are introducing Hokkaido Ballpark in Kitahiroshima, Hokkaido.

Hokkaido Ballpark is expected to cost $530 million and will open in March 2023.
So, it is now under construction.⬇⬇
It’s right next to the high school from which I graduated. While practicing baseball, the sound of construction was echoing on the ground. The day of growing up with the ballpark are my treasures…

What is a “ballpark”??

A ballpark is not just a stadium. People do not just enjoy watching a baseball game. The characteristic of the ballpark is that there are various things to enjoy. The ballpark has not only a unique stadium but also hotels, restaurants, and entertainment facilities. So, you can enjoy these things all day even if you don’t like baseball. Recently, in the United States, baseball fields are called ballparks, not stadiums.

For example, this is Petco Park, which is the home stadium of the Padres.
Yu Darvish is a member of the team.

There are sandboxes and parks for children.

This is the Angel Stadium, which is the home stadium of the Angels.
Shohei Otani is a member of the team.
You are excited hearing about his success everyday, aren’t you?

When an Angels player hits a home run, fireworks blow out from the rock. This is modeled after Disneyland.

Actually, Disneyland is two kilometers away from this stadium.


Hokkaido Ballpark is now being created based on this goal, referring to the success of ballparks in the United States. The details of Hokkaido Ballpark are pasted below.

My favorite design is Tower11.

“Tower11” has been named based on the number “11” which Yu Darvish and Shohei Otani wore during their years at the Fighters. We expect Tower11 to break through and innovate preconceived ideas like those two players.

On the 5th floor there are accommodation facilities and on the 4th floor there are the Hot Spring and Sauna Facilities. What a surprise!! Fans can watch the game in a sauna facing the field.

Hokkaido Ballpark is not a stadium but a complex facility. The project is set to include retail, hospitality, residential, parks and public space. Kitahiroshima and the cities around it will be developed more and more, and the ballpark will become a symbol of Hokkaido in the future.

Thank you for reading!!

[Writer: Shota]

Hokkaido caramels

Hi everyone!! We are Happy Puppies!!

Today, we are introducing various caramel limited to Hokkaido.

The first is Jingisukan caramel.

This is Jingisukan, a specialty of Hokkaido. Jingisukan is a dish where lamb meat is grilled on an iron plate with some vegetables. I ate Jingisukan caramel a few years ago, but it didn’t taste good at all. I could not eat all of it. There are many people who know that it’s not delicious buy it as a topic of conversation and they think it is interesting.
I have thought that combining delicious food with delicious food would make it delicious. However, I think it’s mistake now.

If you have courage, please buy, and try it!!

The second is Yubari melon caramel.

Do you know Yubari melon? It is a famous melon grown in Yubari.

Yubari melon is sold not only as caramel but also as jelly. Yubari melon jelly is very delicious and popular as a souvenir.

And this caramel is delicious too!! I have not eaten this, so I want to eat.

The third is Dice caramel.

Dice caramel is a caramel in a dice-like box. It was used on Wednesday Dodesyo, a famous Hokkaido TV show. The TV show had a feature called Dice trip. Therefore, this caramel was very popular in Hokkaido. Unfortunately, however, it was discontinued at the end of March 2016. The people in Hokkaido were worried that the TV feature might disappear. But it was popular in Hokkaido, so it continued selling only in Hokkaido!!

Why don’t you try these caramels??

Thank you for reading!!

[Writer: Konoha]


Otaru Aquarium


Hi, everyone. I’m Keigo Masuyama.


Do you like aquariums? I like aquariums very much. Today, I’ll introduce the aquarium that represents Hokkaido. The name is “Otaru Aquarium”.



Have you ever been to the aquarium? The aquarium exhibits 5000 animals of 250 different species. The main building has 50 tanks of various sizes, exhibiting both warm and cold water animals. This aquarium is very large!

I’ll show you some of the animals I recommend.


First, this is the dolphin show. They’re one of the most popular animals in the aquarium. These dolphins go through rings in the air and receive flying balls. It’s powerful because there are a lot of splashes during the show. You can surely enjoy the show! These dolphin’s names are Rocky, Noah, Apollo, Robin, and Merry. Please call their names during the show.



Second, these are seals. These are exhibited outside the building and live in a near-wild environment. The types of seals are harbor seals (gomafu azarashi), ringed seals (wamon azarashi), and bearded seals (agohige azarashi). These are very cute, so you should visit to see them.



Finally, these are penguins. The types of penguins are humboldt penguins and gentoo penguins. Humboldt penguins are an endangered species, so they’re rare. In terms of swimming, gentoo penguins are the fastest. You’ll be surprised to see how fast they are. In winter, an event where these penguins take a walk outside the building is held. The way they walk is very cute.


Also, there is a small amusement park near the aquarium. It would be fun to go with the kids.




3-303 Shukutsu, Otaru City, Hokkaido 047-0047, Japan

60 minutes by car from Sapporo Station

Discount Tickets including JR ticket and Admission fee of Otaru Aquarium are available at the main stations of JR Hokkaido


Why don’t you go there?


Thank you for reading!

Abandoned station in Hokkaido

 Hello everyone! We'll introduce abandoned station in Hokkaido.

Hamaabashiri Station

Do you know this old station? It was called HamaabashiriekiIt was a station in Abashiri of Hokkaiddo. You can see remains of this station if you go here.

The station was built as a freight station in 1932. From 1949, Japai was closed because the freight railway was abolished.nese National Railways managed it. However, in 1984, Hamaabashiriek

 Why don’t you visit here?

Asahi Station

Asahi station is one of the stations on the Manzi Line, which opened for transporting coal. It opened in 1914 and closed in 1985 when the Manzi Line was discontinued.


Today, it is the Manzi Line Railroad Park. You can see a building, a steam locomotive, a rail line, and a platform which has remained as it was in those days.

If you are interested in Hokkaido’s history, would you like to visit there?

Tokumitsu station

I’ll introduce Tokumitsu station. Tokuman Station was a railway station on the Hokkaido Railway Soya Main Line located in Tokuman, Toyotomi-machi, Tenshio District, Hokkaido, Japan. This station was opened September 25 in 1926. Surprisingly, the station was built during the war. It was closed on March 13, 2021. I think that you can feel the long history because it was closed relatively recently. Why don't you visit when you have time?

The Ishikari Tsukigata Station

The Isikari Tsukigata Station used to be a station on the Sassyo line. But now, the Ishiari Tsukigata Station has been abandoned station since the Sassyo line was abolished in 2020. The Ishikari Tsukigata Station was on exchange station in which trains passed each other. Also, The Ishikari Tsukigata Station was only station of this type on the Sassyo line which didn`t have electric zone section and for the trains coming from the direction of Isikari Toubetsu .

If you have time, why not visit these stations?


Rich Miso Ramen


Rich Miso Ramen

Hi, everyone. I am Suzuki Terashima. Today, I will introduce my favorite ramen in Sapporo, but it is not the just simple ramen. This time, I will introduce Rich Miso Ramen.


Do you know that there are a lot of types of Rich Miso Ramen? For example, Iekei Ramen is famous for its rich soup and medium thick noodles.

This is the famous Iekei Ramen shop in Sapporo. It is called Sangen. You can eat various flavors of ramen here, among them, the Rich Miso Ramen is the most recommended. Can you see the large thick char-siu pork in ramen? This fat melted into the rich soup so delicious you might lose your voice. In addition, you can eat as much rice as you like for free. My recommended way of eating it is putting the remaining soup on the top of the rice and then wrapping it in nori seaweed. I am getting hungry little by little.

Next, I will show you the most voluminous ramen. Do you know Jirokei ramen? It features a large amount of bean sprouts and a rich soup with a lot of garlic.

Ramen Jiro is one of the most popular ramen chain restaurants in Japan. It is famous for its huge portions and its distinctly flavored soup. The original soup is a perfect match with their thick noodles. Their ramen is piled high with plenty of char-siu and vegetables that makes a big impact on us. In addition, Ramen Jiro has many enthusiastic fans and they are called Jirorian.


To end, I will introduce my most recommended ramen shop. This is indispensable for introducing Miso Ramen in Sapporo. Do you know Muranaka-kei ramen?

This is a famous ramen shop in Sapporo. It is known as Sumire from the name of the founder, but it is also called Muranaka-kei ramen. Since it was founded, Sumire has gained popularity by developing a soup that pursues the hotness and richness of soup with richness, spiciness and added lard that had never been seen in Sapporo before, and then expanded into the Kanto region. The name Sapporo Miso Ramen was spread nationwide.


Miso ramen in Sapporo is full of charm! Are you getting gradually hungry too? Thank you for reading!



Wednesday 20 July 2022



Marimo’s features

Marimo is unique plant. It cannot live outside of certain environments.

First, you have to prepare clear water. Marimo is alga so it does photosynthesis. It lives in the bottom of the water so it is necessary for it to be in highly transparent water that allows sunlight to reach the bottom.

Second, it needs there to be good waves in the water. Marimo is very vulnerable and it needs water motion to roll.


Third, Marimo is good at staying at cold water. On the other hand, it doesn’t like being in hot water. If it stays in hot water, it will die.

For these reasons, Marimo can live in only certain areas. For example, Lake Akan in Hokkaido. If you would like to see it, why don’t you go there? But there is a rule. The regulation is that you are prohibited from collecting Marimo. Please take note of it.

Marimo and Akan-cho

It is said that it takes 100 years for Marimo to grow to the size of a baseball ball, but the Marimo in Lake Akan grows about 3 cm a year when the conditions are good. It takes about 10 years for the Marimo in Lake Akan to grow to about 30 cm in diameter.

In order for Marimo to grow, various conditions must be met. For example, a place where minerals contained in hot spring water gush out, and shallow and wide terrain which gets enough sunlight. Lake Akan has these conditions.

There are only a few places in the world where you can see huge Marimo. If you want to see them, please go to Akan-cho!!

Akan city

Akan city is renowned for Marimo and hot springs so Akan city is sometimes described as a mysterious place.

Akan city has a lot of visitors because it has many kinds of leisure activities. For example, rafting and fishing, also it often holds popular festivals, especially the Akan Ice festival is very popular.

The local specialties in Akan are Marimo youkan and smelt, I’m sure that both are very tasty. So why not go to Akan during your summer vacation.