Sunday 2 August 2020

Music Festival in Hokkaido Vol.2

Hello, I’m Yuno.

This time I’ll introduce another big music festival in Hokkaido. It is “Rising Sun Rock Festival in Ezo (RSR)”. It's a very good name. 

It is held in Ishikari, in August. This festival was held in 1999 for the first time, so this year would be the 22nd time, but it will not be held because of COVID-19.

I have been to this festival twice, in 2017 and 2019. 

In 2017,  I saw Sumika, my favorite artist, for the first time there. So it was a very memorable event for me. They performanced on a smaller stage than now, so it was a rare experience that I could see them there. I also saw a lot of bands then and that was the occasion that made me like seeing live performances. 

This is a picture taken at the festival in 2017. They look so young.

In 2019, I took part in this festival as staff.

My task was checking wristbands of audience members and asking whether they have bottles or cans because several years ago an audience member threw them onto the stage. It is so dangerous.

Next  I'll pick up some features of this festival.

・Live performances over the night

This is the biggest feature of this festival.

RSR is the first festival in Japan which held live performances through the night.

Audiences can spend the night with music in their ways. Of course being at the stage is good, and they can listen to live performances in the camp site; while eating, drinking or sleeping is also good.


This picture is the rising sun from the official website. It's so beautiful !☀️

Unfortunately, when I joined RSR, I couldn't see the sun because the weather was too bad. It was a very rainy day and I got wet, but it was also a good memory for me.

・Delicious food of Hokkaido

A lot of local food is sold at this festival.

Actually, this festival is held between Ishikari and Otaru, so “Letao” is set up in this festival. I ate its sweet food when I went to RSR in 2017.

Audiences can enjoy not only live performances but also delicious local foods.

Actually, this year, some local food products are sold online to support Ishikari. 

These vegetables are made with compost, and this is made from raw garbage which people produced in the past festival. RSR has 13 kinds of division of garbage “Earth care” since 2000.

I think it is a great project.

Last two times I wrote about music festivals, so now I strongly want to join these festivals.

I hope next year people can enjoy events that this year was not held. (Yuno)

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