Monday 3 August 2020

Minami-ku (ward)

Hi, I’m Ririka! This post is the final one. Please read until the end.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to my hometown. It is ‘Minami-ku (ward)’. This place is the widest ward in Sapporo. In fact, the land area is 60% of Sapporo. It's a surprise, isn’t it?

Also, I’d like to tell you about good places in Minami-ku. First, it’s a supermarket. It is called by everyone ‘Moiwa-ieon’. I think this supermarket is the most enormous in Minami-ku. There is a high school nearby. Therefore, maybe I think this supermarket is for the students. Because, they have a good time hanging out with their friends after school. 

Second, if you love art, you should visit ‘Sapporo art park’. It’s known as ‘ Geijutsu No Mori’. I think almost all people believe that a museum is inside. Of course, one is inside as well. However, another museum is outside. It’s called Sapporo Sculpture Garden (Yagai-museum). I think this work is especially the most famous in this museum. Have you ever seen this?

When you go here, you can be a chair like in this picture. So, this work is called ‘take a break to be a chair’ (isu- ni-natte-yasumou). I’m sorry I don’t know the true title in English. But, you can experience artwork directly. Also, I think you want to challenge yourself by making some craft. If so, I suggest you go to ‘the craft hall’. You can produce your own original artwork there. For me, when I was a middle school student, I was in the art club. So, I visited there with my club members and made a necklace with glass.

I told you about just two attractions in Minami-ku this time. However, if you can come here, you may find a lot of awesome places. And, when you visit here, I’ll be a guide for you!

Thank you for reading my blog. Could you enjoy yourself? I hope this blog is useful for your amazing life.

See you someday😴

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Ririka!
    I didn't know there is museum in outside.
    This picture of chair is funny. I want to see it.
