Wednesday 3 August 2022

golden kamui


Hi, everyone!! Do you know “golden kamui”? This is a famous manga in Japan.

The manga is set in Hokkaido and the age of the manga is after the Rosso-Japanese War.

The theme of the manga is a “survival game”, so many people fight each other to get gold.

This manga won the “Manga Award” in 2016, become anime, and started to sell merchandise.

Therefore, it is very popular manga now. What made this manga popular? I will show the reason.

 First, the characters of the manga are very interesting. They are unique, eccentric, and crazy!! So, you can’t hold back laughter when you read through it.

Second, the balance is great. As I said before, the theme is survival, so the manga has hard battle scenes and blood. It may be terrible to see depending on the person. Also, the manga has a lot of funny scenes, so you can laugh many times. Like these two different dimensions make this manga interesting.

 Finally, you can learn a lot of things about the “Ainu”. Have you ever heard of the “Ainu”? They are indigenous people in Hokkaido. You can see a lot of characters, history, and their lifestyle of Ainu. A scholar of Chiba university, who is a researcher of Ainu, supervised the manga, so you can learn Ainu deeply.

 If you like “ golden kamui”, I will recommend you strongly to visit the “Historical village of Hokkaido”. There is some architecture that the manga is modeled on. For example, old barber shop, hut, and soba shop. You can enjoy taking picture and learn about Hokkaido historical architectures. In Japan, there are a lot of interesting or fun manga, and you can enjoy reading them, learning the history of Hokkaido and the “Ainu”.  These days, The manga has been animated, you can also see it on TV. When you are free, please watch it! You will be able to have a good time.

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